
伤口 & 高比重药物




营业时间:上午8时.m. -- 5:00 p.m.


我有一个无法愈合的伤口. 现在?

一个无法愈合的伤口不仅难看,还会威胁到你的健康, 给你带来痛苦和尴尬. 这就是我们可以提供帮助的地方. 采用先进技术, our wound care specialists have a proven record of healing wounds that have lingered for more than 30 days. 所以,不要放弃希望,给我们打个电话. 治愈伤口是我们的工作.



HBOT用于治疗某些疾病. 治疗在一个你可以看到外面的房间里进行. 你躺在病房里的担架上. 你可以看电视. 你可以看电影. 这个舱室是加压的. 你呼吸百分之百的氧气. 你的血液携带额外的氧气. 它会被送到你受伤的地方.


这就是我们的伤口护理中心®可以提供帮助的地方. 治疗方法包括清创, 敷料选择, 特殊的鞋子, 病人教育, 那些无法愈合和慢性伤口的人现在有了一个可以求助的地方. 该中心采用跨学科的护理模式, 包括传染病管理, 物理治疗, 职业治疗, 实验室评价, 营养管理, 疼痛管理, 糖尿病教育, 以及其他解决病人整体健康问题的领域.

The 伤口 Care Center is the only center in our primary service area of Wythe and Bland counties. The staff includes the program director, nurse manager, technician, and nurse practitioner.


通过与Healogics的合作, Wythe County Community Hospital is able to offer a comprehensive center offering specialized wound care. Healogics is the world's largest wound care management company with nearly 800 hospital partners delivering excellent evidence-based care to patients with chronic wounds. 近20年来,Healogics一直是伤口护理领域的领导者, offering the most advanced modalities such as adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT). 对我们医院特别重要, 传统上,保健中心的临床效果很好, 包括较高的肢体保留率, 平均30天内愈合率为91%, 病人满意度极高.

Wythe伤口 & 高压氧医学中心是 区分中心 颁发 Healogics®是美国最大的高级伤口护理服务提供商. The Center achieved outstanding clinical outcomes for twelve consecutive months, 其中患者满意率高于92%.


Wythe伤口 & 高压氧医学中心 is designed to complement your physicians' services and is committed to the treatment of chronic or non-healing wounds. 中心由专业团队组成,包括:

  • Physicians with advanced training in wound management and hyperbaric oxygen therapy
  • 经过慢性伤口护理培训的护理人员 
  • Experienced staff to assist with appointments, medical records, and health insurance processing 
  • 一个个性化的伤口治疗方案


病人大多由他们的初级保健医生转诊, 这个项目是通过预约来运作的.  经转诊至Healogics伤口护理中心, patients undergo a thorough diagnostic examination to identify the type of wound you have and the underlying problems causing the wound. The initial appointment consists of a full assessment to determine the etiology of the wound, 适当的伤口分类和大小, the overall health status of the patient and the patient's ability to comply with needed therapies.

基于评价, a customized treatment plan is developed to optimize the therapies best suited to address the patient's needs. 伤口 size and depth are documented at the initial visit, and again at each subsequent visit. 可能使用的一些诊断方式包括:

在这个决定之后, a program specifically tailored to your needs will be initiated based on the most effective treatment options. An interdisciplinary approach will be used to provide the maximum healing possible.

专门的伤口护理通常在门诊进行. 患者可以自己开车到中心接受治疗, 你应该为每次拜访安排两个半到三个小时. 



一旦开始了治疗计划, you will visit the Center on a regular basis for specialized treatments and documentation of the progress of your healing. You will also be fully instructed on how to do your own wound care at home between visits, 以及如何保护你的伤口免受进一步伤害.  It is very important to remember that you are the most important part of your healing process.  Keeping appointments and following directions are critical to attaining a positive healing outcome. 该中心采用技术最先进的伤口护理疗法, 包括清创, 局部伤口治疗, 生长因子疗法, 组织治疗, 敷料选择, 特殊的鞋子, 病人教育.  When wounds persist, a specialized and comprehensive approach is required for healing.  


在中心进行初步咨询和检查后, 您将收到有关治疗的完整说明. 
Note: You should refrain from smoking or the use of any tobacco products during the entire course of therapy. Tobacco use will prolong or even prevent healing of a wound site due to its effect on the blood vessels in your body. 


如果你感冒或咳嗽, 流感, 喉咙痛, 发冷, 恶心想吐, 呕吐, 或腹泻, 在开始治疗前,请通知中心的工作人员. 也, 提醒工作人员你正在服用的任何药物, 或者在治疗过程中药物的变化. 如果你是糖尿病患者, please eat properly and continue to take your prescribed medication to control your blood sugar level. (Note: your blood sugar level will also be checked during each visit to the Center.)

我们期待为您服务. Please contact a member of our staff with any other questions you may have regarding your therapy. 

Wythe伤口 & 高压氧医学中心

营业时间:上午8时.m. -- 5:00 p.m.



Healogics worked with PBS to do a 10-minute segment on the 医学创新 on PBS special. 有超过一亿的观众观看, 医学创新 is a television health series that explores the latest in research and treatments.

在Healogics的伤口愈合部分,首席医疗官Dr. Ennis spoke about the growing population of people living with chronic wounds and why advanced wound care is so important. This segment also touched on Healogics’ 伤口 Science Initiative and how we are working to raise the level of knowledge on wound care.

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